Are you looking for Home Staging professionals in Valencia? At Monserrate Inmobiliaria we analyze the needs of your property to increase its value and attract more buyers.

What is Home Staging?

Home Staging is one of the real estate marketing techniques.

It consists of preparing a property to revalue it and maximize its possibilities of sale or rental.

This concept, which was born in the US in the 70s, is increasingly common in the European and Spanish real estate sector, where it has spread since 2008.

Its main objective is to capture the attention of potential buyers so that they can see the full potential of the property.


What does a home stager do?

A house that is poorly presented or has a bad image is less likely to be sold and rented.

The home stager is a professional who helps real estate agencies and owners to sell and rent their assets, more quickly, highlighting and emphasizing their strengths.

Some of their tasks are:

Repair or enhance the most attractive points of a property (terrace, patio, balcony, bathrooms, attic, etc.).

Depersonalize the space. That is to say, to achieve spaces of a neutral character, removing paintings, family photos, personal decoration, etc.

Show the rooms from a minimalist point of view. One of the aspects that is most valued when buying a flat or a house is the spaciousness. For this reason, the ideal is that the houses for sale and/or rent only have what helps to enhance that characteristic, avoiding visual noise.

Provide a new vision. The home stager can rearrange the space or add some furniture. It is not about furnishing the house or making a large investment. Sometimes it is even possible to simulate objects. The important thing is that interested people get an idea of all the possibilities of housing.

The labors of the home stager should not be confused with that of a photographer or a decorator.

Making a good photographic report of a house for sale or rent is very important, therefore, the work of the home stager is also important to enhance the best of it. These two professionals must work hand in hand to achieve an impeccable and visually appealing result.

In the same way, while a decorator prepares a home with aesthetic criteria, without giving up functionality and the search for comfort, but always based on the tastes of their clients, the home stager will commit to imprinting the property with an image that suggests a way of life and a style that attracts buyers or renters.


Advantages of Home Staging

Home Staging has an affordable price and provides us with many benefits, including:

You will get the most out of the house.

Thanks to Home Staging techniques, the properties can show their full potential and generate a very positive first impression on buyers.

The house will stand out from the others.

Houses with a good image have better spaces to photograph. They also have more visits and, consequently, more options for sale or rent.

You won't have to lower the selling price of the house.

Home Staging facilitates the sale according to the initial price, avoiding negotiations that are not very beneficial for the owners.

It is profitable.

Home Staging should always be seen as an investment, not as an expense, since it will help you sell your house faster and in better conditions.

Why draw on to Home Staging?

The housing offer is quite wide, and customers are increasingly demanding.

Also, sometimes it’s hard to project yourself into a home if it’s highly personalized or overly decorated, which can stall purchase offers.

On the other hand, second-hand homes are often subject to price reductions, with cuts of up to 15%.


Monserrate Home Staging service

The application of Home Staging in a property requires time and experience.

Therefore, it is recommended to have experienced professionals to draw up a strategy according to your needs.

At Monserrate we know that there is no second chance to make a good first impression.

We offer our Home Staging service in Valencia to increase the chances of finding a buyer for your home and obtain the maximum benefit from this operation.

Our experts will visit your property and analyze the needs of your property to increase its value. Then, we will advise you so that you know all your possibilities.

Contact us. Let our premium home agents in Valencia advise you.
